Can you tell us more about yourself?
My name is Zainul abideen from Pakistan(lahore).I’m full time student.I started studying at ACCA this winter.In fact, my previous qualification is about science.As ACCA is globally recognized qualification so my heart filled with a desire to go for ACCA.I considered it as a challenge.
Which Study Texts and/or Revision Kits did you use, or find most useful in your studies?
I used both BPP and KAPLAN study texts and revision kits. I also used opentution study material.But Bpp practise kit is most suitable.
You have scored such high marks, many students must wonder what is your study technique?
Technique for F3 is study the whole syllabus and d’nt skip any thing.The secret of scoring the high marks is only a practice, because “Practice makes a perfact man”.
Firstly I spent the time on studying the whole syllabus, then I spent a lot of time on practice especially 2 weeks before the exam.
Best one approach of revision is that make a summary of every chapter, itself .It’ll helpful near the exam. Then read the summary only and make idea of the chapter and spend the time on practice.
I spend almost 8 to 9 hours near the exams on F3.
What do you think was the most important factor in your success in your ACCA exams?
I studied very hard, and I have done every single test I was able to find including every past exam tests and I think that it was the main reason of my success.Guideline is also important factor for success.
How did you find out about OpenTuition and how much do you think OpenTuition resources helped towards your success.
While searching for free acca resource, I found OpenTuition.Opentuition is doing a great Job helping Students who cant Afford to study in Big institutions.I recommend this site to not only students who are doing ACCA but also other Finance Student.
Congrats… How many papers did you take at a go?
3 papers
Your F3 Score?
which institute did you study from in lahore??????
well done you can go on with that spirit for further papers
@biar, thanksss….
How much u got in F3 ?
@allho9, I got 92%
wel done zain =) i just started ACCA in ds summer …!! you gave me alot of motivation =) n best of luck for future examz … em very happy for yu
@ujalailyas, Thanksss….
@zain77, zain app ny kb start kia tha f3?? n whts yur routine of study in day ???
@ujalailyas, main nay jan may f3 start ki thi or march may cbe dya tha.
If u need further help u can add me on FB
This is good news. It gives a lot of encouragement