Congratulations for scoring best marks in June 2013 ACCA F3 exam, can you tell us more about yourself
Hi, my name is Josephine Koroma. Am a sierraleonean by nationality residing and working in the Gambia. Am also studying ACCA in the Gambia.
Do you get support from your firm?
Yes i got support from my firm. My tuition fee and examination fee were all paid by the firm. I was also given 1 week study leave which also helped me a lot.
Which study materials did you use?
I used kaplan textbook, revision kit and pocket note, the F6 technical articles, financial Act 2012, opentuition lectures and course notes and past papers. These materials were all useful.
You have scored such high marks, many students must wonder what is your study technique?
It all centres on proper planning and organisation skills.The three (work, study and private life) can go very well if managed properly. I take a look at my daily activities and I set achievable study targets and i try as much as possible to meet this target each day. I also try to cater for unexpected events thus every free time i have whether at work or at home i use it to read. with a high degree of focus and commitment any study goal is achievable.
I do not have a set number of hours to study each day i make use of every free time am able to get that is if i have a whole day to study i will study the whole day with breaks in between if i have just five hours to study then i will study for 5 hours in that day. But no matter what happens my plan is to ready every day whether i have less hours or more hours to read in a day i must read every day. I do not work during the weekends so i have more time to read.
I took my time to go through the textbook to get the knowledge. I attack the revision kit as soon as i complete reading a topic. I did not wait until i have completed reading the textbook before attacking the kit i was reading and practicing at the same time as it is only through applying the tax rules in solving questions that one can become familiar with them.
At the revision stage all i did was to practice questions from the kit and past papers ( even though the tax rates are not the same for the previous years i solved questions from the past papers using the current tax rates some of the answers might be different due to the difference in the tax rates and some of the tax rules but this did not create any difficulty). I made use of the pocket notes and the technical articles to revise key tax rules.I made sure i practice everyday and this helped me tremendously.
What do you think was the most important factor in your success in your ACCA exams?
I thank Almighty God ( Jehovah Jireh). My mum contributed a lot to my success. My commitment and focus on my studies was also a contributing factor.
Being specific to the paper, detail knowledge of the tax rules for each area of the syllabus and question practice is the key to success in paper F6. With this put into practise studying paper F6 will be much easier.I lay emphasis on question practice as continuous practice makes perfect.
How did you find out about OpenTuition?
From my colleagues at work. Having heard about the site i decided to sign up and am so glad i did because with opentuition am able to practice and study at anytime. Thank you so much opentuition.
Congratulations and thanks for the interview
congratulations ..
Good lu
Good luck****
Congratulations.. I hope to be like you in December 2015
Congratulation Josephine and thanks for the insight on how you got this merit.
Congratulations Josephine, i am happy to be inspired by you, could you please tell me how you attack one single chapter till you get it’s core knowledge ? how long does it take you