Service Invoice
There are several different ways to open the invoicing section:
Customer module / Customer Process view / click New Invoice
Module Customer / task list / New Invoice
Module Invoicing / invoicing toolbar / click New/edit button
Or Customer / Link / Invoice List / New/edit button
For this exercise try using the Invoice List option.
On entering an invoice in Sage 50 accounts, certain information is required in advance:
The account reference
The Invoice details (description to input on invoice)
The VAT rate for each service
The nominal account reference to be attributed to each service line.
Click the New Invoice button, the invoice window is displayed. The format will be set to either Product or Service. Amend to Service.
There are four parts to each invoice, tabs are:
- Details
- Order Details
- Foot Details
- Payment Details
Type: The “Type” box refers to the type of Invoice you are raising – this can be invoice / credit or proforma. This allows the raising of credit notes or a proforma invoices which can then be converted to an invoice at a later date.
Invoice no: this will be automatically created using the pre-set invoice number sequence.
The Date: This shows today’s date (or the set default date).
Order no: This box is used for your own order reference, not the customer’s order reference.
A/C no: the customer account number can be easily typed in this box, if this is unknown click the arrow button to the right of the drop-down list box to open the customer list. By applying the customer account number the name & address are automatically entered. This can be overtyped if required. **To look at the customer record in more detail, click on the Smart link button next to the A/C list box. The customer account details will open – to return to invoice press close.
You will need to enter the details or invoice description in the details section. Type the Net Value in Amount box and the VAT will be automatically calculated with pre-set details. Click on the Smart Link on the details line to obtain the line item. The default settings will be shown. You have the opportunity to change values in this section or apply discount – this is not covered during this tutorial. Nominal and tax codes can be changed using the drop-down arrow. Cancel or OK to return to invoice details.
Click on 2nd Tab “order Details” to enter further order information. Here the delivery address & customer order number can be applied. You have now entered all the required details, return to the details tab. At the stage you are able to save the invoice for a later date & close.
These tutorials are provided exclusively to by CBK Training, in Association with Complete Book-Keeping Ltd
** Book your Sage 50 Classroom Training – Ringwood **
Courses : Sage 50 : Credit Control : VAT : Sage Payroll Basics
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