sweetysoo saysJuly 9, 2019 at 2:10 amin terms of the disallowed expenditure, the CO2 Emission level should not exceed 110 gram rather than 130 gram, according to Kaplan textbook.Log in to Reply
thezadzzz saysJuly 13, 2019 at 12:02 amThe 110 g/km relates to the 18/19 year 130 g/km was used in 17/18, and the tutor explains the new 110 g/km rate in the previous introduction chapterLog in to Reply
This lecture could be applied for FA2018
in terms of the disallowed expenditure, the CO2 Emission level should not exceed 110 gram rather than 130 gram, according to Kaplan textbook.
The 110 g/km relates to the 18/19 year
130 g/km was used in 17/18, and the tutor explains the new 110 g/km rate in the previous introduction chapter