ALL ACCA Taxation lectures are based on free OpenTuition (TX-UK) notes
Download ACCA TX (FA2018) notes for the June 2019-March 2020 Exams below
Introduction to the ACCA Taxation (TX-UK) Exam and the syllabus:
Introduction to ACCA Taxation Part 2
Chapter 1
No lecture – please read the TX lecture notes
Chapter 2
Income tax computation – Introduction – ACCA Taxation (TX-UK) FA2018 [47m]
Income tax computation – Savings Income (part 1) [48m]
Income tax computation – Savings Income continued (part 2) [49m]
Income tax computation – Savings Income continued (part 3) [49m]
Income tax computation – Part 4 [45m]
Tax Planning Style Questions [21m]
Income tax computation – Child Benefit [44m]
This lecture is based on FA2017 – but nothing has changed apart from we are now dealing with the tax year 2018/19 instead of FA 2017 (2017/18).
Chapter 3
Property Income and Investments – Individuals (part 1) [39m]
Property Income and Investments – Individuals (part 2) [50m]
Property Income and Investments – Individuals (part 3) [35m]
Chapter 4
Tax Adjusted Trading Profit Individuals: Introduction [10m]
Tax Adjusted Trading Profit Individuals (part 1) [43m]
Tax Adjusted Trading Profit Individuals (part 2) [39m]
Chapter 5
Capital Allowances Introduction (part 1) [46m]
Capital Allowances Special Rate Pool (part 2) [39m]
Preparing the Capital Allowance Computation, Non Pool Assets (part 3) [53m]
Capital Allowances Short life Assets (part 4) [44m]
Preparing the Capital Allowance Computation (part 5) [40m]
Chapter 6
Trading Profit Basis Periods Introduction [6m]
Trading Profit Basis Periods part 1 [39m]
Trading Profit Basis Periods part 2 [32m]
Trading Profit – Basis Periods part 3 [23m]
Trading Profit – Basis Periods part 4 [43m]
Trading Profit – Basis Periods part 5 [34m]
Chapter 8
Partnerships Introduction [2m]
Partnerships part 1 [37:38] (fa2017)
Partnerships part 2 [34:26] (fa2017)
Partnership Losses [31:12] (fa2017)
Chapter 9
Employment Income part 1 [41:08] (fa2017)
Employment Income part 2 [32:50] (fa2017)
Employment Income – Taxable Benefits: Motor Cars and fuel part 3 [49m]
Beneficial loans part 4 [40:01] (fa2017)
Chapter 10
Types of Pension Scheme [35:19m] (fa2017)
Annual Allowance (AA) [27m]
Chapter 16 (FA2017)
Corporation tax part 1 [47:44] (fa2017)
Corporation tax part 2 [34:47] (fa2017)
Chapter 17 (FA2017)
Long Period of Account [38:28] (fa2017)
Chapter 23
Self study with OpenTuition notes
Chapter 24 (FA2017)
Inheritance Tax (part 1) [40m]
Inheritance Tax (part 2) [39m]
Inheritance Tax (part 3) [42m]
Inheritance Tax (part 4) [40m]
Inheritance Tax (part 5) [35m]
Inheritance Tax (part 6) [40m]
Inheritance Tax (part 7) [42m]
Inheritance Tax (part 8) [31m]
Inheritance Tax (part 9) [22m]
Chapter 25 (FA2017)
VAT (part 1) [43m]
VAT (part 2) [42m]
VAT (part 3) [44m]
VAT (part 4) [34m]
VAT (part 5) [33m]
VAT (part 6) [35m]
VAT (part 7) [32m]
ACCA TX Lectures which need older lectures notes FA2017 – Download below
khurram says
Kindly new lectures FA18
it’s been a while now!!!!
iyad says
I am wondering when are you going to publish new lectures.
Thank you.
angelikan says
Thank you.
shaaliha says
Thank you so much!
baker says
Great improvement