Practice question 34 gains no qualifying for ER final CGT figure is incorrect…Should be 10660 and not 10740. The 20% CGT rate was multiplied by 53700 instead of 53300.
this lecture is used because the rules and principles have not changed. you only need to rework the examples 1 and 2 in the notes using aea 0f 11700 pounds and brb limit of 34500 pounds relevant for fa2018 in the 2018/19 tax year.
levanrich says
Practice question 34 gains no qualifying for ER final CGT figure is incorrect…Should be 10660 and not 10740. The 20% CGT rate was multiplied by 53700 instead of 53300.
shahriar205 says
is lecture for 2017/18 tax year?
joselle says
I am awaiting the corrected upload as well
priyashju30 says
It is corrected
nikaonampogo says
Wrong leture
nikaonampogo says
Thank you I get it
haider1in says
wrong lecture…… plz correct it soon
mohammed31071996 says
this lecture is used because the rules and principles have not changed. you only need to rework the examples 1 and 2 in the notes using aea 0f 11700 pounds and brb limit of 34500 pounds relevant for fa2018 in the 2018/19 tax year.