In future please ask this kind of question in the Ask the Tutor Forum and not as a comment on a lecture.
The studying for the CBE exam is no different and our free lectures cover everything needed to be able to pass the exam well.
However it is vital to practice lots of past exam and other exam standard questions and for this it is vital that you buy a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers. Obviously these are not CBE but they do contain questions formatted in the same way as the exam. In addition there are several specimen CBE exams on the ACCA website which will get you used to what the real exam will be like.
Please I was hoping to find the solution to the first try question in chapter 1 on ABC just to compare to know if am track but I did not find that. I mean solution to Melns Ltd.
Thanks John. A very good presentation illustrating the product lifecycle graphically. The tightest controls should be at the design phase before a launch. Is it advisable to start with a higher price at the introduction phase?
SIR what if there is no rival or competitor in the market, is it not advisable to sell them on a higher price than to charge at a lower price en light me more on this
These lectures are useful in 2025 exam
can i use these lecture notes for june 2023 exams?
Yes you can 馃檪
How I can prepare for CBE exam because I first time sit to these new way of exam. what your advice , which will help me
In future please ask this kind of question in the Ask the Tutor Forum and not as a comment on a lecture.
The studying for the CBE exam is no different and our free lectures cover everything needed to be able to pass the exam well.
However it is vital to practice lots of past exam and other exam standard questions and for this it is vital that you buy a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers. Obviously these are not CBE but they do contain questions formatted in the same way as the exam.
In addition there are several specimen CBE exams on the ACCA website which will get you used to what the real exam will be like.
Sir please can you throw more lights on maximising the return over the product life cycle
Please I was hoping to find the solution to the first try question in chapter 1 on ABC just to compare to know if am track but I did not find that. I mean solution to Melns Ltd.
Thank you.
Sorry, but I have no idea what question you are asking about. There is no question called Melns Ltd in Chapter 1 of our free lecture notes.
(and why have you posted this as a comment on a lecture on Life-Cycle costing?)
Thanks John. A very good presentation illustrating the product lifecycle graphically. The tightest controls should be at the design phase before a launch. Is it advisable to start with a higher price at the introduction phase?
Not usually. If they start with a high price then they are likely not to be able to sell.
SIR what if there is no rival or competitor in the market, is it not advisable to sell them on a higher price than to charge at a lower price en light me more on this
Possibly. I discuss this and other pricing strategies in my free lectures on pricing.