Hello Good evening opentuition i must really commend this site it is really helping a lot please i couldn’t find anywhere else to write this. I just took the FA practice EXAMS on here and I realized i couldn’t scroll down to see the remaining options as a lot of the question displayed just two options same with the section B i couldn’t answer any because I couldn’t see the open box to type in my answer it won’t scroll down. i guess its the new outlook because it has changed since when i last took this same practice exam. thank you and please help. Kind regards.
Hey. This is regarding the 4th question of FA practise questions for chapter 2. The answer was worked out as – (960 x 11) / 840 Why do we divide it by 840?
Sir, l need clarification regarding the explanation to the answering of question 3 of 5 of the FA chapter 2. The question was net asset as at February 1st and not January 1st , hence the withdrawals should be for 11 months i.e. 11 x $ 960 and not 12 x $960 please help clarify.
You are given the net assets at 31 January 2008 and asked to calculate the net assets at 1 February 2007. The accounting period is the 12 months from 1 February to 31 January.
Dear Sir, In the chapter 13 of FA notes, there are several examples given but in the answers to examples section, it says that there are no examples at all. This is a very big chapter. I hope you could find a way to send me the answers for the same as I am facing difficulty in solving these. You can mail the same to me at si*************@gm***.com.
I’m new to accounts..my teacher told me to study through this and I’m doing edexcel as(1st stage) do you have the basic accounts materials here..plz reply me if you have and send the link too
In future please ask this kind of question in the Ask the Tutor Forum – not as a comment on a practice test.
We provide free study material for the ACCA and CIMA examinations. ACCA Paper FA is basic accounting and applies to any exams. You can find out material by following the links to ACCA and then FA at the top of the page.
We have an online mock exam that is linked from the main Paper F3 page. However, you need more than 1 mock exam – you must buy a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers. The Revision Kit contains mock exams, and also lots of exam-standard questions for practice (and practice is vital to passing the exam).
Hey john.. I have a question for you .. are these practise questions effective and sufficient to score a good marks in exams ?? Just asking you cause these questions seems to be easy 馃檪
The questions are exam standard, but you need far more practice than we can provide here which is why you must buy a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers. They contain lots of exam standard question to practice 馃檪
Morning, Sir. Regarding F3 Chapter 2 Questions 5 of 5,
Q: On 1 July 2012 a business had net assets of $23,000. At 30 June 2013 they had total assets of $34,000 and total liabilities of $8,000. During the year the owner had introduced $2,000 more capital, and had taken drawings of $500 per month. What was the profit for the year ended 30 Jun 2013?
I would like to ask sir, how to solve this question. Thanks.
You need to use the accounting equation – you know the opening and closing net assets, you know the capital introduced and the drawings, so profit is the missing figure.
You should watch the free lectures before attempting the tests. The lectures are a complete free course for Paper F3 and cover everything needed to pass the exam well.
hi sir i would like to ask you a personal question that is, practicing more questions in open tuition and also practicing its mock exams several times could it help and support me to pass for sitting my f2 paper next week with high marks like 80 or 70 and above otherwise we found this site very helpful and thank you for being available eveytime
In future, please ask this sort of question in the Ask the Tutor Forum rather than as a comment on a test.
The more practice you get the better – there is also a practice exam on the ACCA website, and best of all is to use a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers because they are full of practice questions.
Hello, I don’t understand the reasoning behind the solution of Question 1 and Question 3.
In Question – 1 : The correct answer had ‘Capital Introduced’ subtracted while the ‘Drawings’ were added, shouldn’t it be the other way around with drawings being subtracted and capital introduced treated as an addition ?
In Question – 3 : I did everything correctly but I subtracted Drawings ( Less : Withdrawal ) while the correct answer had (Add : Withdrawals). Isn’t Drawings something that owner withdraws from the business ? Then why isn’t it treated as a subtraction ?
they are both applications of the accounting equation: increase in net assets = capital introduced plus profit less drawings.
This is explained in full in the free lectures, and you should watch the lectures before attempting the tests. The lectures are a complete free course for Paper F3 and cover everything needed to be able to pass the exam well.
I really feel regret that I didn’t know about this website earlier. I got to know about this website just a couple of weeks earlier from our management. Besides, I don’t have any basics on accounting and also I couldn’t understand my class lecturer. But now I just went through this two chapters and now on wards I’m feeling confident that I can do this exam better. All the credit goes to you Sir! Thank you for that.
This is a wonderful site to help students. A lot of time is required to find and read the notes and download the lectures.
I have the following suggestions: a. both readers and tutor time will be saved if the Lecture Notes and Lecture Videos can be downloaded by pressing a button b. the other interactive parts can be left as they are, e.g. the Mock Exam Questions, Quiz, etc.
There is a button for downloading the notes above each lecture, and they obviously only need downloading once. Lectures cannot be downloaded – they can only be watched online. That is the only way that we can keep this website free of charge. (You will find the same applies on paid for websites also)
got all correct, thanks for a clarity of lectures
Thank you for your comment 馃檪
Thank you for the exercises. Love it
Explaination and work out clear.
Thank you for your comment 馃檪
Nice test, good explanation, thank you sir.
Thank you for your comment 馃檪
Hello Good evening opentuition i must really commend this site it is really helping a lot please i couldn’t find anywhere else to write this. I just took the FA practice EXAMS on here and I realized i couldn’t scroll down to see the remaining options as a lot of the question displayed just two options same with the section B i couldn’t answer any because I couldn’t see the open box to type in my answer it won’t scroll down. i guess its the new outlook because it has changed since when i last took this same practice exam. thank you and please help. Kind regards.
maybe change the screen resolution?
the tests have not changed their look for few years
Took my time listening to all the lecture parts of this chapter. Now got all the questions right, yayyy.?
Great 馃檪
Hurray, me too
I got everything right 馃榾
Well done 馃檪
This is regarding the 4th question of FA practise questions for chapter 2.
The answer was worked out as – (960 x 11) / 840
Why do we divide it by 840?
I assume that you actually mean question 3 馃檪
The answer does not divide anything by 840 !! (And you would realise this if you checked the total for withdrawals of 12,360)
If you look carefully, the total drawings are (960 x 12) + 840.
(960 is multiplied by 12 (not 11) because there are 12 months in the year, and then 840 is added because of the inventory taken).
Sir, l need clarification regarding the explanation to the answering of question 3 of 5 of the FA chapter 2. The question was net asset as at February 1st and not January 1st , hence the withdrawals should be for 11 months i.e. 11 x $ 960 and not 12 x $960 please help clarify.
The answer is correct.
You are given the net assets at 31 January 2008 and asked to calculate the net assets at 1 February 2007. The accounting period is the 12 months from 1 February to 31 January.
Thank you
You are welcome 馃檪
Dear Sir,
In the chapter 13 of FA notes, there are several examples given but in the answers to examples section, it says that there are no examples at all. This is a very big chapter. I hope you could find a way to send me the answers for the same as I am facing difficulty in solving these.
You can mail the same to me at si*************@gm***.com.
I’m new to accounts..my teacher told me to study through this and I’m doing edexcel as(1st stage) do you have the basic accounts materials here..plz reply me if you have and send the link too
In future please ask this kind of question in the Ask the Tutor Forum – not as a comment on a practice test.
We provide free study material for the ACCA and CIMA examinations. ACCA Paper FA is basic accounting and applies to any exams.
You can find out material by following the links to ACCA and then FA at the top of the page.
sir john how can get f3 mock exam?
We have an online mock exam that is linked from the main Paper F3 page. However, you need more than 1 mock exam – you must buy a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers. The Revision Kit contains mock exams, and also lots of exam-standard questions for practice (and practice is vital to passing the exam).
Well Done. Sir
Thank you for your comment 馃檪
Hey john..
I have a question for you ..
are these practise questions effective and sufficient to score a good marks in exams ??
Just asking you cause these questions seems to be easy 馃檪
The questions are exam standard, but you need far more practice than we can provide here which is why you must buy a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers. They contain lots of exam standard question to practice 馃檪
Ok thanks for your suggestion… i wil get one 馃檪
Great 馃檪
It was so easy! yayy! 馃榾 Hope the exam be like this! I doubt it tho! :/
Well it is only chapter 2 馃檪
Morning, Sir.
Regarding F3 Chapter 2 Questions 5 of 5,
Q: On 1 July 2012 a business had net assets of $23,000.
At 30 June 2013 they had total assets of $34,000 and total liabilities of $8,000.
During the year the owner had introduced $2,000 more capital, and had taken drawings of $500 per month.
What was the profit for the year ended 30 Jun 2013?
I would like to ask sir, how to solve this question.
You need to use the accounting equation – you know the opening and closing net assets, you know the capital introduced and the drawings, so profit is the missing figure.
You should watch the free lectures before attempting the tests. The lectures are a complete free course for Paper F3 and cover everything needed to pass the exam well.
Thanks sir!
I will try again.
Sorry for late reply.
You are welcome 馃檪
hi sir
i would like to ask you a personal question
that is, practicing more questions in open tuition and also practicing its mock exams several times
could it help and support me to pass for sitting my f2 paper next week
with high marks like 80 or 70 and above
otherwise we found this site very helpful and thank you
for being available eveytime
In future, please ask this sort of question in the Ask the Tutor Forum rather than as a comment on a test.
The more practice you get the better – there is also a practice exam on the ACCA website, and best of all is to use a Revision Kit from one of the ACCA approved publishers because they are full of practice questions.
i am not able to start the question because the start quiz button dosent appear ?
could you help me ?
Please ask on the support page – then admin might be able to help you.
(The link is above)
Thank you john, Appreciate your prompt respose
You are welcome 馃檪
Thanks Mr John!!! Your lectures,practice questions was a great help for me!!!
I sat my F3 paper on 13/7 and i pass it. Can’t do it without you again.
Thank you for the comment, and many congratulations on passing 馃檪
Hello, I don’t understand the reasoning behind the solution of Question 1 and Question 3.
In Question – 1 : The correct answer had ‘Capital Introduced’ subtracted while the ‘Drawings’ were added, shouldn’t it be the other way around with drawings being subtracted and capital introduced treated as an addition ?
In Question – 3 : I did everything correctly but I subtracted Drawings ( Less : Withdrawal ) while the correct answer had (Add : Withdrawals). Isn’t Drawings something that owner withdraws from the business ? Then why isn’t it treated as a subtraction ?
The pop-up answers to both questions are correct.
they are both applications of the accounting equation: increase in net assets = capital introduced plus profit less drawings.
This is explained in full in the free lectures, and you should watch the lectures before attempting the tests. The lectures are a complete free course for Paper F3 and cover everything needed to be able to pass the exam well.
I really feel regret that I didn’t know about this website earlier. I got to know about this website just a couple of weeks earlier from our management. Besides, I don’t have any basics on accounting and also I couldn’t understand my class lecturer. But now I just went through this two chapters and now on wards I’m feeling confident that I can do this exam better. All the credit goes to you Sir! Thank you for that.
Thanks you for your comment.
This is a wonderful site to help students. A lot of time is required to find and read the notes and download the lectures.
I have the following suggestions:
a. both readers and tutor time will be saved if the Lecture Notes and Lecture Videos can be downloaded by pressing a button
b. the other interactive parts can be left as they are, e.g. the Mock Exam Questions, Quiz, etc.
There is a button for downloading the notes above each lecture, and they obviously only need downloading once.
Lectures cannot be downloaded – they can only be watched online. That is the only way that we can keep this website free of charge. (You will find the same applies on paid for websites also)