Great result. However, remember that we don’t provide many question for each chapter/lecture. It is ESSENTIAL to buy a revision kit (BPP or Kaplan, but you get a 20% discount if you order BPP materials through this site) to give you lots and lots of practice at doing questions.
fruitella says
Ken Garrett says
Great result. However, remember that we don’t provide many question for each chapter/lecture. It is ESSENTIAL to buy a revision
kit (BPP or Kaplan, but you get a 20% discount if you order BPP materials through this site) to give you lots and lots of practice at doing questions.
saniya@123 says
NihalChatla says
abduaj1997 says
Got 100%
Manuga says
100% ????
Manuga says
100% ????
shervonlouis says
100% for me im surprised
Paulington-Gama90 says
mukubyah says
100% Wow!!!
thinzartun says
nkosie777 says
100% wow
mariamohi says
100% 🙂