Hi, in the situation where there is a Qualified Audit opinion issued as a result of a non pervasive material misstatement, why would it have gone this far, would the auditor not have asked the management to correct this error in the accounts and issue a clean, unmodified report. If the management had refused to restate the error, should we issue an adverse audit opinion instead of a qualified one?
See response against your post in the ask the tutor forum – please don’t make multiple posts (the forum is the correct place if you want an answer rather than just leave a comment).
Hi, in the situation where there is a Qualified Audit opinion issued as a result of a non pervasive material misstatement, why would it have gone this far, would the auditor not have asked the management to correct this error in the accounts and issue a clean, unmodified report. If the management had refused to restate the error, should we issue an adverse audit opinion instead of a qualified one?
See response against your post in the ask the tutor forum – please don’t make multiple posts (the forum is the correct place if you want an answer rather than just leave a comment).