If I go to a bank to pay in a cheque (and/or cash), I can go to any branch of any bank and get a receipt for my deposit. However, I don’t have that money in my account to spend immediately – it is an outstanding lodgement until it “clears” the banking system and is credited to my account. My bank cannot know that I have paid in that money until then. Hence a bank cannot confirm at the reporting date money that it hasn’t yet received.
Hi .. Regarding the question 5th the answer is Outstanding lodgments . can you please further explain why Bank report does not include it for Audit purpose?
If I go to a bank to pay in a cheque (and/or cash), I can go to any branch of any bank and get a receipt for my deposit. However, I don’t have that money in my account to spend immediately – it is an outstanding lodgement until it “clears” the banking system and is credited to my account. My bank cannot know that I have paid in that money until then. Hence a bank cannot confirm at the reporting date money that it hasn’t yet received.
Hi .. Regarding the question 5th the answer is Outstanding lodgments . can you please further explain why Bank report does not include it for Audit purpose?