Take AA OT-Case Practice Test
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On question one your answer is wrong, you marked ” rights” as the answer when the correct answer is valuation
I don’t know what you mean Melissa, the correct answer is explained as existence and valuation. Selecting “rights” returns an incorrect answer.
it’s tough like exam
I refer to OT practice test 1
Thank you for your feedback. Perhaps “arrows” are a function of your choice of hardware and browser – the item is created (and presents to me) as a “click and drag” – which is a common feature of ACCA CBE OT items. Although Qs in the exams may include an explicit instruction such as “Identify, by clicking on the relevant box in the table below, …” how you should “identify” (or “match” or “order” or “complete”) is often not specified. This seems to be increasingly the case as candidates can now reasonably be expected to be familiar with the CBE software (through all the question practice available in the CBE practice platform). So if in doubt, try “drag and drop”.
I have been confused with the comment of the question 4, I have corrent answer but in comment it says ”the proposed change in depreciation rate is a change of accounting policy???” isn’t it accounting estimate? I would be very grateful if you give a confirmation on this, otherwise I will remain confused. Thank you very much!
The word should indeed be estimate and not policy – I will get that corrected – thank you for pointing it out. (The wording is correct in the justification for an incorrect answer.)
The practice questions are good. But if u go to number 15 some candidates may know the order that is being asked. The challenge would be on making the order on the screen. It takes time for candidates to recognize that the order should be arranged using the arrows