Free online CIMA study materials, lectures and support for CIMA F1 Financial Reporting
OpenTuition provides the study resources you need to enable you to pass CIMA F1 Exam free of charge.
How to pass CIMA F1 exam with OpenTuition:
- Download OpenTuition free lecture notes
- Watch OpenTuition free lectures
- Revise with our free flashcards
- Post your queries to our CIMA tutor
- Practice is vital!!! It is important to practice as many exam standard questions as you can.

Free CIMA F1 Notes
To fully benefit from these notes please watch our Paper F1 free lectures.
Copyright: Selling or profiting in any way from these notes without our permission is prohibited. If you would like to use our lecture notes in your college please check our OpenLicence for details.
Free CIMA F1 Lectures
Our CIMA Paper F1 lectures are a complete course and cover everything you need to be able to pass the exam well.
It is important to practice as many exam standard questions as you can. You should purchase a Revision/Exam Kit Kit (Kaplan is the CIMA approved publisher) – it contains lots of exam standard questions to practice on.
Introduction to F1 Financial Reporting Exams
Free F1 Practice Tests

Test yourself after each chapter of our lecture notes by taking our online Practice Tests.
These are short tests containing questions in the same style as those in the real exam.