This chapter looks at what is meant by “performance management”. It is essential to understand that term if you are going to succeed in this paper as questions are directed at describing, improving and reporting on performance management systems.
Performance management
It is presumably obvious that organisations will want to improve their performance. However, it is not at all obvious how good performance should be defined. This will differ between organisations and departments within those organisations, and will often vary over time within a single organization or department.
Hi i have been awarded exemption for PM paper but im planning on attempting APM exam so are these lectures and exam kit practice sufficient to pass or do i need to study PM then study APM. I would really appreciate if tutor can guide me on this
Why am i not able to excess lectures for APM? l am clicking the APM section and it opens a tab that says” page not found”
I have the same issue. Can anyone help us?
where can i find old past papers dec 09 dec 10 and dec 07?
You have to use Google using ACCA, P5, the exam session (eg December 2010) and the question name.
Amazing teacher. I passed APM with 67%. Thank you very much teacher. 🙂
can you please help me out with how did you clear APM and what was your strategy?
do email me at di*************@gm***.com.
Was this opentutition classes and notes and then exam kit enough to pass the exams?
Yes. But of the three items you mention, the exam kit is the most important. APM is relatively light on new techniques (EVA is the most prominent), but heavy on requiring you to apply techniques (often relatively simple) to solving the requirements in the exam. I also recommend reading the technical articles on the ACCA site.
Study the notes and lectures first (BOTH) then start trying questions from the exam kit. You do not have to write out full answers but at least make drafts about what you would have said and always try to complete the calculations. Be very critical of yourself when comparing your answer (or answer plan) to the model answer.
Are there any links to where I can see the past exam questions mentioned?
Did you find any useful links? if yes please do share
Google: APM or P5, ACCA, Question name, perhaps session (eg June 2018).
Kindly assist. Is is possible to use the lectures and lecture notes only and pass the exam without study texts?
What are the past questions u recommend we look at it writing in September 2021. Thank you
From what year do you suggest we practice past questions if attempting to write APM this September.