This chapter looks at what is meant by “performance management”. It is essential to understand that term if you are going to succeed in this paper as questions are directed at describing, improving and reporting on performance management systems.
Performance management
It is presumably obvious that organisations will want to improve their performance. However, it is not at all obvious how good performance should be defined. This will differ between organisations and departments within those organisations, and will often vary over time within a single organization or department.
Hi. Checking the Acca website for past papers on p5, I could only find from June 2013 till June 2015. From 2015 onwards, it is just sample questions not past questions. I could not also see the earlier past papers like 2007 ish. Please, any guide on how to access the other past papers? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
You have to Google for them. Older papers are not on the ACCA web-site, but they can usually be found elsewhere.
Try something like ACCA P5 December 2008. If you know a question name, then that helps.
Whole papers from 2015 are not available anywhere as they have never been published.
Thank you so much Sir. God may bless you with lots of happiness in the world and good health. With your lecture and guidance I was able to pass this paper in one attempt. I have attempted four times before without your guidance, and was really frustated because it was the only paper that was stopping me from being ACCA member. I am also thankful to my friend, who recommended me about I have donated 50 Euro, hope it helps in someway to people like me who could not afford to take online tuitions for 100’s of pounds. Thank you once again open tuition and team and respected Lecturer.
Could you please let me know the name of respected P5 lecturer?
Thank you for your kind comments and generous donation. We are all delighted to hear about your success and it is always encouraging to us when we hear from students such as yourself. Many congratulations on becoming ACCA qualified!
Best wishes for your future career.
Kind regards,
Ken Garrett.
I’m in your shoes, i wrote P4 thrice and failed, i switched to P5 and failed twice again, June 2018 will be my third attempt, i’m frustrated because that’s my last paper. I hope to pass this time with the help of these videos
today I went through the old emails from previous attempts that I attempted P4 4-5 years ago, I failed once at 45 marks and again at 46 marks. Can’t tell you how bad it feels even after these years
Written P5 twice before.
But took a long gap for 3rd attempt now.Any tips to success? And how to get in touch again with the paper.
Keep up with good work.
Do these notes cover the new syllabus from Dec 2016? What % of change has happened from previous syllabus? Thanks for your response
Just some small deleted topics from previous paper, check acca website for details
Hi , Can you give your review about P5 and its opportunity in real life
Please could you clarify something for me, as I find some terms to be very closely related but I don’t want to stumble over the use of them in exams. I’ve put in brackets what I think they are…
Mission statement (overall aim of organisation)
Strategy (long-term plan to meet organisational objectives)
Objectives (things that organisation wants to achieve)
Critical success factors (areas that the company must excel in)
KPI’s (measurable elements in line with CSF)
Measures (performance that is measured aimed at achieving objectives)
The way I understand is that objectives are all aims, CSF are the important ones… Measures show achievement of objectives, KPI’s show achievement of important ones.
Please let me know if I’ve got that right??
Seems spot on to me.
Objectives tend to be very precise and often follow the SMART format: specific, measurable, achievable/accepted/relevant, time-limited.
Hi, i have been trying to pass this paper without any success. My 5 attempts. can anyone help me?
Thank you so much. Very nice lesson
I am not finding pass papers from 2007 to 2010. Where can I get these
i am not finding pass papers from 2007 to 2010. Where can I find them
You have to Google them. Use the question name, ACCA and P5 together as search terms.
Thanks alot for the good lecture.
Please I need support to download these audio notes…any possibility?
You can only watch lectures on line! That’s the way to them and the site free!
Excellent presentation and delivery! really enjoyed it. really is this enough to help me with the exam especially doing the suggested question practice after every chapter?
How do i go about this. Do i listen only as in the notes are exact as audio . i cant seem to decide how to do this. But on a brighter side , keep up with the good work. I love this page !!
You can download the notes, but not the lectures.
The lectures are not read from the notes, but the two should pretty much cover the same ground.
I suggest you print out the notes. Listen to the lecture then immediately study the notes.
Don’t forget to try questions.
Hi all
Is it possible to download these notes and listen to them off-line? Please help
very informative…thanks
Excellent video, very informative.
Thank you. Enjoyed the lecture.
The explanation is really good compared to what I paid for last exams with one tuition provider.I am very positive come June I will be done with ACCA exams. I am remaining with P5 only.
Thanks a mil!
Thank you for the lectures! They are very good!
Thank you.
With due regards to all the tutors at open tuition, I found your lectures much more understandable and crisp!!!!!!
Keep up the good work.
Thank you. We will!